HulaFit® were invited to come down and teach some taster sessions at Eventbrite’s ‘Brite Space’ in Old Street Station on Thursday 9th October 2014!
The space was so cute, and just big enough to get about 6 people hooping…enough space for a 20min taster session on the mega health and body benefits of HulaFit®!
The Pop-Up Shop, Brite Space is still open, so get down and see what other amazing events they are putting on! The idea was dreamed up by innovative advertising company, Inkling. Other events included a coffee tasting with Climpson & Sons, vintage hair tutorials from The Parlour, and radio skill workshops from Shoreditch Radio.
Our event attracted lots of passers by to stop and have a gander, and we even got a few boys to come in and hula with us!